Thursday, October 28, 2010

What it takes to win a provicial GOLD.

You can tell by the title of my blog, I am really into swimming. The season starts May 15 I train 9 hours a week before and  after school at the North Shore Winter Club. Training consists of dryland for 30 minutes before we get in the pool. Dryland is stretching, running sprints, strength training and ends in a game.

In the pool we swim of course, the work out starts with a warm up of 300m of swimming/kicking. Next is the heart of the work out. I like the heart of the work out the most. It's like running until you want to up chuck. You might think this is wierd but without pushing the limits you will never improve, kinda like this blog. In a typical work out we swim about 2000m it's stroke drills, spints, breath control and endurance. The work out ends with a warm down of about 200m of swimming. But if you think that's tough, In the middle of the summer I swim 17.5 hours a week. This is when training starts getting tough.

AM work outs start at 6:00. This work out is 1:30 minutes including stretching and cool down. Early in the morning it's very hard to get out of a warm cozy bed and be motivated to go for gold. There is fog coming off the water so you think it's hot but...(ITS FREEZING!).

PM work outs start at 5:30 and go to 8:00. Same stroke improvement, more intense drills and lots of kick with a kickboard, but occasionally we do one of my favorite things which is called 15x100m's. The turn over or pace time is 2mins, my repeat time averages were around 1:10sec. That would leave me with 50sec to recover forn the next 100m.

This gives you a small taste of what my summers are like all in pursuit of Provincial GOLD.
My finger tips are bruised from typing so see ya later. Next stop HELL WEEK. Bet you can't wait to hear about it...


  1. Cool blog. How close have you come to winning provincial gold? And what does 'up chuck' mean? I like how you said that without pushing the limits you'll never improve. I also really like your backround for your blog.

  2. Thanks alot Jade keep on looking and i will have a sequel. Stay tuned.
    PS Up Chuck means to puke.
    thanks for reading my blog!

  3. Cool blog,
    I really like the background, it suits the subject of the blog well.
    Do you do anything during the winter, (other than winter maintenance) to prepare yourself for amount of swimming you have to do in the summer?


  4. Thanks i found the background last night. I am doing a camp up at SFU this Winter until April... Which includes lots of Dryland before and after and intense swimming. Thanks for reading my blog!

  5. That's a cool blog. I like how you said without pushing the limits you'll never improve, like Jade said in her comment... You must be very motivated to swimming in order to get up out of your comfy bed and to swim in FREEZING water!!! It sounds like you enjoy swimming a lot!!! I can't wait to read your next post.

    P.S. I like how you ended your blog too. It was very creative!

  6. Wait you never answered to Jades question... "how close have you come to winning provincial gold?" So yeah, could you answer that? :D

    PS: How many provincials have you gone to for swimming?

  7. I have been to 5 provincial meets and you will have to stay tuned for my next post it will have the answersto everthing...
    Thanks for reading.
